If You Can See It, You Can Achieve It

dream boardJust after we got married, one of my fraternity brothers came to me with a business proposition.  He had just become a member of a group called World Wide Dream Builders also known as Amway, and wanted to practice his sales pitch with us and see if we would be interested.  At this particular time in our lives, we could not see how the group worked, or at least how it would work in our lives. Time passed and we relocated to northern California and as luck would have it, opportunity knocked again and Amway made it’s presence known once more.

I met a different Amway distributor while working with the State in Sacramento.  My wife was working part time as a substitute teacher and had some free time on her hands, so it seemed a like a good time to explore what Amway had to offer.  We knew that their laundry products were excellent and they also had high quality vitamins and makeup.  What we didn’t know was that they had an incredible support system in place to back you up.

You were constantly in contact with you “up-line” – mentors who had already done everything you were currently doing.  You could contact anyone above you to ask questions.  There were many seminars available to attend, although this was before the days of webinars.   You could access past seminars on cassette tape, yes I said tape, this was way before mp3 or mp4. But the the thing that stuck the most with me was the dream board.

The first thing they had you do was create your dream board.  Basically a white board or piece of poster board where you wrote down what you wanted to accomplish.  The main thing was to dream BIG.

We came across our dream board a little while ago and realized that we’d actually accomplished some of our dreams.  WOW.  It’s really scary.  Because now we have come up with new ones.

So what did we accomplish?

1.  Live in the country on a ranch.

2. Raise animals

3. Travel More

There’s more but I can’t recall all of them.  Having accomplished the goals, lessons came with them.  Owning a ranch – is a lot of work.  We downsized from a 10 acre ranch to a 6 acre ranch.  Raising animals, also a lot of work.  We downsized from 60 goats, to 6 goats, a couple of horses ( which we’re hoping to relocate) dogs, and cats. But we’ll keep the travel.

So my suggestion to you.  Create your dream board.  Make it BIG.  DREAM BIG.  Put it where you can see it every day.  If you can see it, you will make it happen.

One of our newest goals is to go to Israel.

We’re going…next year.

Make your goals HAPPEN!