It’s that time of year when the Grinch makes his appearance, usually right next to Scrooge and the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, & Future.  Although it may seem a little strange, there are lessons to be learned from all of our holiday anti-heroes.

Keith Huggett, GrinchHere’s a few from the Grinchiest Grinch:

1. Once you steal Christmas – it sticks with you, never to go away, no matter how many times your heart doubles in size.

2. Stick to it and don’t give up – If I gave up every time Cindy Lou came around, I NEVER would have accomplished my nefarious goal of ruining the Who-ville Christmas.

3. Try new skills – I didn’t shy away from suddenly learning to sew – and I did a  bang-up job creating my Santa suit. You never know what skills you have hidden deep inside waiting to come out when needed.

4. Be Open-Minded and Ready to Learn Once I started to feel again, my mindset changed and I realized that Christmas wasn’t all bad and that I needed to adjust his goals.  In business, being open-minded and realizing your goals may not be right on track is a critical thing to acknowledge.

5. Don’t be afraid to grow – whether it’s your heart, mind, or business.  When you’re ready you’ll get there.

And don’t worry if you get followed around by a few random Christmas trees from your past.  They are just memories of lessons learned.