Your Outstanding, Phenomenal, Noteworthy Business: Standing out from the Crowd

stand outWhat drove you to start your own business? Me, I wanted to provide services to business owners that would enable them to save money on their taxes, grown and improve their businesses, and continually expand their profit margin. And, yes, I know that sounds a lot like all the other business consutants, CFOs, and CPAs out there.  The difference is how I go about doing it.  This goes for you too, because you need to set yourself apart from your competition.  Here are some steps to help stand out from the crowd:

1. Carve out your piece of the market

Let people know the “Why” of your business.  What drove you to start your business, your values.  Customers, or clients, with similar values will begin to flock your way.

Specializing in a specific industry or need is also a way of bringing a select group of clientele your way.

2. Don’t forget your brand.

The cattlebarons of yesteryear had the right idea.  Brand your product to make sure everyone knows it belongs to you.  Design your logo, website, business cards in a way that says it’s all about you and your business.  Colors, design, it all comes back to you.

3. Spread the news – Referrals and reviews

Nothing builds business like word of mouth and good reviews. Get your clients, friends, and family talking about you.  And don’t forget the web. Between social media and review sites there’s certainly the chance to make your mark online.  Lastly, don’t forget to talk to your clients and be sure to provide them with outstanding customer service.  Be sure they remember you in a positive way.

4. Pricing – the occasional scare factor

When you are setting your prices be sure to set them equal to the value of your product or service.  If you can communicate what your client will get for their investment properly, there will be less occurrance of shock and awe over prices.

So in short, stand out and shine.  Let your unique-ness speak for itself.  Set yourself apart from your competition.  Be creative  If you’re so inclined, let us know what sets you apart and how it’s worked for you in our comments.