Goals and Your Self Image

When my wife and I were in high school, at the end of the year, the school put on a carnival. No, it wasn’t in the ’50s but it was just like it.  At this carnival, we had one of those Funhouses – you know, a Hall of mirrors – the ones with the mirrors that distort your image.  Everyone has fun with those mirrors because we know that the reflections aren’t real.  But what if they were?

When we were children, we were often told things by the people around us that were and were not true.  Your family, your peers, your enemies, etc.  Those things that we were told, whether true or false played a part in how we view ourselves even today.  We carry those truths and lies with us in our self-image. A well-known psychologist, Dr. Joyce Brothers, says that the picture you have of yourself, your image, determines the job you seek, the person you marry, the habits you acquire, the way you look and dress, and it even influences your very moral conduct.  She says you cannot consistently perform in a manner inconsistent with the way you see yourself.  If you can change the way you see your self, you can change your self.  And the way to change your self is through setting and accomplishing goals.

Some things that can help with goal setting and changing your self image:

1. Write things down – Printing requires more concentration and burns the information into the life brain. Once the information is cemented into the left brain it’s automatic (think of your multiplication tables) which leaves your creative side free to come up with new ways to solve problems.

2. Be positive.

3. Ask for help when you need it.  Find a consultant for those subjects you don’t have enough information about.  If you’re not a financial wizard, find one and ask him your questions.  That’s why they exist.

4. Check for balance in your life.  Will you be happy, healthy, be prosperous, secure, have friends, peace of mind…if you attain your goals.  Are these goals really for you?

Only you know who you really are.  Your choices shape your reality.  Other people can only tell you what they see.  It’s what you see that is important, and what you put out there that shapes who you want to be.  Set your goals, shape your future and grow into the person you’re supposed to be.  God intended you for greatness.

“If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you places that will amaze you.”

Les Brown


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