Writing A Business Journal

Writing A Business Journal

Writing A Business Journal Although journal writing my seem like something your teenage daughter might be doing, it’s something that every person should take up including business owners.  For a business owner, a business journal can play many different roles in both...
Running Into Trouble? How Do You Know?

Running Into Trouble? How Do You Know?

Running into Trouble? How do you Know? When do you know you’ve run into a problem?  If you’re anything like me, I usually figure out that I’m in trouble when I’m neck deep in water, the boat has sunk, and I have no paddles. This runs true for many in life as well as...
If You Can See It, You Can Achieve It

If You Can See It, You Can Achieve It

If You Can See It, You Can Achieve It Just after we got married, one of my fraternity brothers came to me with a business proposition.  He had just become a member of a group called World Wide Dream Builders also known as Amway, and wanted to practice his sales pitch...
Welcome to Next Level Profit & Growth Insights

Welcome to Next Level Profit & Growth Insights

About the Authors of Insights for Profit & Growth Keith Huggett, CPA Founder  After graduating from Cal State Dominguez Hills, in Carson, California, I married my wife, Allyson and worked for the state of California for a few years.  Then we moved up here to...