positive mindsetThe new year is here and I’m sure you’ve been asked a million times about resolutions and how this year is going to be different from last year.  Well I can tell you, if you don’t change your mindset, it won’t be ANY different from last year.

Unless you make a change in the way you think, act, believe, hope, wish, plan, work, relax, etc… you’re going to keep doing things the exact same way you always have been.  Which means, while you may WANT to make changes and set some goals,  unless you change your thinking, you won’t stick to it.  Now, no one ever says change is easy, in fact it’s really very difficult.  You have to fight yourself, AND everyone around you, so get ready for a fight.

Here are some steps to get you on the road to changing your mindset to the positive.

1. Remember – POSITIVE in = POSITIVE out.  Surround yourself with positivity.  Read books that can help you learn how to maintain a positive mindset.  Meditate and reflect on the positive things that have happened in your day.  Listen to music that makes you feel good.  Share a smile with others.  Even when in the midst of darkness, there is always a light shining somewhere, even if that light happens to be you.

2.  Find a great mentor, or two or three.  Business greats, spiritual greats, or simply great people.  Learn from the ones who seem to have it together and lead by example.  You know who they are.  Being with them makes you feel different.  You aspire to be like them.  They are out there, and most of the time they are more than willing to sit and talk with you.  Reach out.  The worst they can do is say no.  And, if you’re too shy to try and speak to them, or they are too famous or are no longer with us, there are always books.

3.  Watch out for self-limiting beliefs.  You know what those are.  That’s the voice in your head that says “I can’t do that” or “I’m terrible at that” or “I’m _____________”  And then there are those people out there that actually voice those limiting beliefs for you.  Family, friends, strangers who are non-supporters.  You have to tune these things out.  You CAN do ANYTHING!  You may have to work hard, learn a little, fail and try again, but you CAN do ANYTHING!

4. Set goals and milestones.  Everyone says this and no one actually does it, or follows through with it.  If you actually set a goal and follow through with it you have something concrete to see and that you work toward.  Without goals, you don’t have anything to work toward.  Set a goal, set a reward for achieving the goal.  Get 5 new clients by the end of the month – take those clients to play golf (if you’re a golfer) – reward yourself and grow your client relationships at the same time.

5. Figure out who you are and what you like to do.  If you aren’t in the right place, you’re never going to be happy or positive.  If you absolutely dread your work, you need to find another career.  If you are in the right place,  doing what you love or at least like, you’re on the right path.  So to figure out more clearly about yourself, try answering these questions:

What are you good at? (Mind).
 What do you love doing? (Heart).
 What need can you serve? (Body).
 What is life asking of you? What gives your life meaning and purpose? What do you feel like you should be doing? (Spirit)

So, lets start out positive this year.  It’s going to be a fabulous year with incredible leaps in profitability and growth for all business owners and everyone else out there.  Keep your mindset positive.  Share a smile with others you see during the day.  And don’t forget to let your light shine brightly.